Finch Close, Headington, OX3

£65 pcm
or call 01865 761111
Sammie Steepe

Key Features


Parking space available in Finch Close in Headington. Convenient for Headington hospitals. Situated in a small, residential close. Council Tax Band: 0

Further Details

  • Available From: 26-October-2023
  • Pets Allowed: No
Calculate stamp duty online


The stamp duty calculator presumes that none (or part) of the property qualifies as mixed-use for which the current SDLT would be 3%.

Please note that this tool is an indicator only, your solicitor or tax consultant will advise you as to the actual stamp duty land tax that must be paid on completion.

All calculations are correct as of 1st October 2021, which are subject to change at any time

Click here for more information

Finch Close, Headington, OX3

£65 pcm
or call 01865 761111
Sammie Steepe

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Finch Close, Headington, OX3
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